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Bee Conservation and Ecological Farming Practices | Photo Essay

Honey bees — wild and domestic — perform nearly 80 percent of all pollination globally. It isn’t unusual for a single bee colony to pollinate more than 300 million flowers each day. Of the top 100 human food crops, 70 — which supply about 90 percent of the world’s nutrition — are pollinated by bees. To protect bee populations, ecological farming practices are critical.

Ecological farming is the overarching new policy trend that will stabilize human food production, preserve wild habitats, and protect the bees. It is the way most farming has been done throughout human history. Ecological agriculture resists insect damage by avoiding large monocrops and preserving ecosystem diversity. These practices restore soil nutrients with natural composting systems, prevent soil loss from wind and water erosion, and avoid pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

By restoring bee populations and healthier bees, ecological agriculture improves pollination, which enhances crop yields. Ecological farming takes advantage of the natural ecosystem services, water filtration, pollination, oxygen production, disease, and pest control.

To learn more about how you can help bee populations, contact us!

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