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1 gallon of Florida Holly or the “Christmas berry tree”, as it is known by local Floridians, produces a magnificent honey and substantial boughs of striking red berries, just in time for Christmas!

Throughout the fall months here in Florida the bees enjoy sweet nectar from the delicate white blossoms that envelop the holly tree. The plant, originally native to South America, was introduced to the States in the 1890’s and has been thriving here in sun-drenched Florida’s fertile soil ever since.

Florida Holly honey features a smooth and buttery, almost butterscotch flavor and subtle spicy notes making it a true gourmet delight! Florida holly is a gorgeous amber color and is perfect for stirring into your favorite hot beverages, or try it paired with smoked meats and hard cheeses!

Founded in 2007, World Honey Market is the culmination of many years of dedication to the fine art of beekeeping. Our passion for nature and the vast importance of bees is what drives us to provide nothing but the worlds finest, unadulterated pure raw honey products. Our Northern Florida location serves as our core and base for producing all of our products. We are a hands-on company involved from start to finish.

Save the bees!

1 Gallon of Pure Raw Florida Holly Honey

$95.99 Regular Price
$84.99Sale Price
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